Tuesday, August 6, 2013

83: Pickles Roasted Bell Peppers

I realize this is traditionally done with red bell peppers, not purple and green. There was a recipe in The Pickled Pantry for regular ol pickled (non-roasted) mixed peppers, but it was quart sized, and I felt like experimenting. It's not the most appetizing looking jar- maybe thats why they do it with red?- but here's hoping it tastes good. 

I roasted both peppers under the broiler, 5 minutes each side, then let steam in a bowl covered in plastic wrap. Meanwhile I heated up a half pint jar in my 4th burner pot, as well as a 1/4 cup of vinegar and a tsp of fine sea salt (in a separate pot of course). 

The jar came out when everything was ready, I placed a clove of garlic and two sprigs of lemon basil inside. 

Once my peppers were peeled and seeded (boo to losing the color during the process), I cut them into quarters the packed them in the jar, then covered with the brine, bubbled, topped off, and processed in a water bath for 15 minutes. 

Doing a some minor internet research, I came across this recipe for marinated greens that also explains the situation well. I'll have to see how bitter these end up being when I get around to eating them. The leftover roasted pieces definitely had a slight bitter aftertaste.

Notes for Improvement:
- Per the link above, maybe add a little honey for comparison
- Try another herb, or add more spices (maybe smoked paprika?)

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