Friday, August 2, 2013

78: (Off Share) Rosemary Pickled Beets

Summer in a jar. 

These don't contain anything from the CSA. I did get beets in this delivery, but I would need more than four to make a good batch. I happened upon a big cheap bag of beets at the farmer's market the other week and couldn't resist. You can definitely use canned beets, especially helpful in the summer heat.

I've done this recipe a few times before- based on one from Alton Brown- but usually with red beets, which turn the onions a lovely pink/purple color. Thought I'd miss that, but the golden beets make everything so sunny and wonderful. Do it!

20oz roasted golden beets**
1 large onion
3 cloves garlic
2 rosemary (decent but not huge sprigs)
1/2 cup sugar
1 cup apple cider vinegar
1 cup water
1.5 tsp salt

Put all but the beets and onions in a pot, set heat on medium til it boils, then turn down and simmer for a few minutes. While that's going slice your beets and onions. I did a lazy slice this time with the onions, occasionally I'll French them. 

Strain your brine into another container, take the rosemary and mix into the onions. 

(Apologies for the crummy lighting in the before shot)

Place the garlic in the bottom of the jars the layer the onion mix and beets as above. Try and pack it in there. Pour your brine over the mix, then tap and tilt your jar to dislodge air bubbles and top off. This batch filled one ikea jar (34 oz) with a half pint left over.

Let them cool on the counter then pop in the fridge. Try and let them sit for a week before eating. Put em in the back so they don't tempt. The beets are great as is or in sandwiches (I'll do some with mixed veggies or just avocado). Same with the onions.

Notes for Improvement: Yellow beets are definitely sweeter than their red counterparts. Next time I'll adjust down (or maybe not include) that sugar in the brine. They're definitely good, just not as tart as I'm used to.

**I wrapped the beets in aluminum foil with onions and a little rosemary and threw them in my crock pot for a few hours. In cooler weather I would've used the oven. 

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