Saturday, July 27, 2013

69: Ratatoullie

Instead of the one I linked to in my delivery post, I used this recipe from the kitchn. It was a similar idea- cook each ingredient individually to get good browning and flavor development, then mix everything and simmer down so the flavors meld.

My favorite part of making this- knife skills practice! Chop chop chop everything up. I used my Creuset for the first time at the new place, too.

It turned out well- I used the squash and white eggplant from my share. The skin on the zucchini ended up being rubbery. It's a weird texture, one that I haven't experienced before when cooking with zucchini so I'm not sure what caused it.

I used rosemary and a little of my purple basil at the end.

It ended up being a bit brothy but that's not the worst thing- just means I can throw some bread in to soak up all that goodness.

Notes for Improvement:
- Cut the zucchini smaller, may help with skin issues
- Finish with the lid off the pot to reduce it down a bit if there's a lot of liquid
- The recipe mentioned a few variations- like using some smoked paprika. Try that with some of the leftovers. I could use a little spicy.

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