Thursday, October 31, 2013

206: Cauliflower Cous Cous

I’m attempting (and mostly failing) to avoid sweet things. Are you tired yet of my rants regarding my preference for borderline foods (squash, sweet potato, etc) to veer savory/spicy as opposed to sweet? But then what am I beyond always breaking my own rules?

I came across this recipe on simply recipes and couldn’t resist. It fits my loves of tricky food (like those beet burgers), sneaking in extra vegetables, and excuses to buy walnuts. It’s also, amazingly, something savory I enjoy with citrus.

The dish looks like cous cous but is actually cauliflower, processed a bit into little cous-cous-like granules. You steam that for a bit, and as it cools, heat up the remaining ingredients (in this case I went with version 2- with walnuts, cranberries, green onions and apple- though I definitely want to try the other when I have celery or an equivalent).

While cooking I kept going for the novelty of it, but when I tasted the final result? I actually really liked it! The combination of the nuts, green onions (which I went a little heavy on) and cauliflower balances out the cranberries (which I went light on) and apple. The best bites are when you can get a little bit of everything.

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