Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Dish 8: Rhubarb Tart and Making Progress on 4 & 5

Yesterday was a marathon of cooking but not eating. I came home shortly after 6 and got to work. Finished around 10. Crazy person.

First: Kimchi! I'd made a stop in Koreatown (heart nyc) during lunch to pick up the last of the ingredients. Adapted a simple recipe from chow. My main difference: less cabbage. 

I'd lost my scale in the move so while I wait for a new one I'm winging it a bit. I had hoped my cabbage was 2 lbs but I definitely didn't get the volume the recipe wanted. Ended up with about 5 cups of brined rinced drained cabbage with the (about) correct amounts of the rest.

Tip: Don't mince the ginger and garlic, grate it.

The end result was about half the expected volume so in a week I will have some crazy potent kimchi.

Second in the marathon was the Rustic Rhubarb Tart I'd mentioned last week. Big issue with this was the amount of rhubarb- the farm only gave us about a cup...and the recipe calls for 4.5. So I scaled the filling down.

Super tasty, though I was also winging this. They were looking for a jam-like consistancy, and I have enough experience with that. The dough would've been a pain so I made a full batch of that.

It felt a little dry but I went with it. Rolled out and filled up what I could...

...and ended up with two tarts. Here they are in their super rustic (i.e. crummy looking) pre-freezer glory. The dough definitely looks a ton dryer than Smitten Kitchen's.

If I had some of my jam (still somehow at the old place) I would've just filled the rest with that, but as it was it reminded me of scone dough so I baked it off as is. It was dry, but good with a little butter. Also I realized I'd forgotten the salt. Whoops. I'll sprinkle a little on the tarts when I bake them?

Finally (finally!) I moved on to Dumplings. Part of me wanted this for dinner but as it was past 9...yeah. I'd already made do with the leftover egg whites from the tart dough- a quick scramble with oregano.

As it was I just filled and shaped these guys. Found a few tutorials online. It was my first time doing it but I got pretty decent! ...one would hope I'd make progress doing like 40 of them in a row, ha!

Also- I understand why these are so so cheap- you can barely put any filling in! Here's hoping my flavors are strong enough. These went with the tarts in the freezer for a future meal. Maybe tonight.

Though I do have another delivery to pick up...I may be in a little over my head here.

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