Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Dish 20: Sage & Chard Risotto

It had been a few years since I made risotto, so I read up on technique. It ended up tasty and comforting, though I'm not sure my temp was right during the toasting stage, and my pan to batch size ratio was probably off. The main problem with the first batch- years ago- was I'd taken the rice too far. But this still have a little bite which was nice. Some improvement. It was still wonderfully comforting and delicious- even though it got above 90 today.

I started with shallots and garlic. Butter and a little olive oil. My stock was homemade- turkey stock made and frozen a few months ago. I added the last of my sage and some of the new chard I'd gotten in towards the end. Neither of the latter flavors was especially pronounced in the final batch, though. I added a little pecorino at the end for extra creaminess. And a huge pinch of black pepper to cut through that creaminess.

There are a few servings of leftovers- have plans for some of that, too.

Notes for improvement:
- Make a larger batch or use a smaller pan
- Use less concentrated stock
- Add herbs/veg a little earlier so the flavors integrate a little more
- If using chard or another leafy veg- cut the ribbons thinner or shorter

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