Thursday, November 7, 2013

215: Quick Salmon Kale Quinoa Salad

All the events occur in the same week of the month. My interests really should check with each other and spread it out so I have a bit of time here and there. And this time, unfortunately, the only evening I had free to cook was Monday. The last of the prior week's share got used up easily enough, but there was definitely not enough leftovers to sustain three or four days of meals. Even three of four days of lunches.

And as much as I love (love) root veggies season, my love stems from long-roasted dishes, soups, and other things that I can't easily prepare in 15 minutes before work. So my easy option this week was Kale, which I paired with some smoked salmon still kicking around my fridge, walnuts, and quinoa left over from those garlicy kale leftover. I made an easy dijon vinaigrette with lemon juice and olive oil.

It was actually fairly awful with the salmon, but that's more the fault of the cheap (kinda old but not bad) IKEA salmon. There needed to be a bit more dressing to mask the fishiness. Without the salmon the salad was really nice, though. Very hearty and fall. I'd do that part again, with a few scallions at the least, maybe some mushrooms or squash if I wanted to get fancy.

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