Wednesday, November 6, 2013

214: Indian Mustard Greens

You can Indian anything, apparently. I keep reading/making versions of Indian dishes that are (in my view at least) Baignan Bharta, but with another veggie. Not complaining, but eventually I'd like to try a vastly different preparation- one of those curries with coconut milk (oh wait I guess I tried that way back, but you know, better) or a samosa or something.

I used this recipe from food 52, adapted as I only had about 1/3 of the Mustard Greens the recipe called for. I waffled between using 1/4 to a 1/2 of the other ingredients, so my ratios are probably off. Oh! And I added hing, as I had it, and didn't add lemon juice. The latter was partially due to my general avoision of that flavor in savory dishes, and a little because acid would cut down on the bitterness of the greens, which is kind of my favorite part.

The result was a little harsh the night I made it- I think the turmeric was a little too prominent for my tastes, but after a night in the fridge everything had mellowed nicely. Would try again.

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