Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Note 2: Reflections

So I'm a month in. Picking up Delivery 5 today. It's been tough. An entire share is a lot of food. I've cooked through it reasonably well though I need to start giving more things away. Or have potlucks. Can someone organize those for me? I'm kind of busy cooking.

I have to cook every. single. day. Or it helps. I have an event tonight and I'm wondering if there's something easy I can throw together before or after. It's easy to let a backload build.

I just moved in to a new place, and I warned my roommates I'd be in the kitchen a lot, but I don't think they (or really I) realized what that meant. Sometimes I have dishes (i.e. the Spinach and Chard Tart) that I'll get home and start making...and won't be done until 10.

Here are some reflections/lessons/etc

Don't be precious

I have a tendency to want to find the perfect use for an ingredient. I'll need to buy a million things to make that one dish. It’s not necessarily worth it. The sheer volume of produce means I just need to make a point of just making something with it, not any one thing.

That being said, I can and should…

Plan ahead

I’d still like to stretch myself now and then to try new things- but focus on recipes with high-impact non-share ingredients. If I find a specific recipe that I just must do, try and plan a few that also use those extra things. I’ve had surprising luck with gruyere, for example- tarts and pestos and lettuce bakes. Though there's still a bit of that left in my fridge.

In the same vein, it's important read all recipes completely before starting, and think about them a bit, especially if they’re on the internet. I’m looking at you- Tart Fail. I'm smart enough to realize when something's amiss and just want to be more mindful.

Know what you’re getting into

I’m thinking Kimchi. I hadn’t done much- if anything- like that before. Skimming the kimchi section of The Art of Fermentation last night (I want to buy it- such a wealth of information), and I can see a few things it would’ve been nice to know ahead of time. Technique-based recipes need a little extra guidance.

I’d like to do more research in general, it’s hard to squeeze in the time.

What was my favorite dish so far? Overall- Purslane Tomato Soup & Risotto Cakes. This salad is a close second. Favorite ingredient? MINT! Something that needs to happen again? Chicken Livers, and those nommy super quick pickle greens.

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