Sunday, June 23, 2013

Dish 16: Chicken Livers with Sage and Mizuna

Imperfect and not really a looker but so tasty.

Yes these are chicken livers. I know, ew. But seriously they're delicious. It was my first time cooking with them. Overdid them a bit but still delicious. Very rich. 

I thought of doing a mousse. I have a recipe for one but after my previous experiments with the food processor I was a little wary. So sauté. Deglaze. Greens. Simple.

I started with this. Didn't use all the sage and added more garlic. The onions were sliced, garlic grated and sage plucked. Mizuna was roughly chopped. 

I semi-slowly browned the onions a bit, thought there were too many and took some out. Threw the garlic in later, then cranked the heat and tossed in the livers. Remembered the whole point of this was the sage so I tossed that in too. 

Maybe the livers were too wet, or the pan was too crowded but I didn't get the immediate sear I was hoping for. So they stayed in a little too long. So it goes. Lessons for later.

Took everything out and the pan went back on. I threw in the mizuna and a bunch of garancha wine vinegar (no sherry at the store). Those wilted/pickled, and I tossed back in those onions I thought were too much. They were not too much. When I tasted the greens, I thought they were a little too sour. But then I tasted the liver and it was so rich and heavy I actually added a little more more. They made the dish.

Re-added the liver back for a sec for a stir then onto the plate. 

Overall: delicious. Want to try it again. Some notes for improvement:

- don't overlook the liver (obviously)
- have more greens ready
- use more sage?
- make more! I have leftovers but not nearly enough

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