Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Sauce 4: Green Harissa

I'm on a roll with sauces. It's such a same this follows the Green Sauce so closely. I hope they both keep. I want them on everything.

I went off this recipe via food52, with a few variations based on what I had. 

- 2.5 cups (packed) roughly chopped escarole
- 1 cup (packed) roughly chopped spinach
- 1 poblano, destemmed and deseeded 
- 2 jalapenos, destemmed and deseeded
- 1/4 cup chopped cilantro stems
- 2 garlic scapes, chopped
- Tablespoon onion (I had some chopped in the fridge)
- 1 clove garlic, chopped
- 2 tbs chopped mint
- 1.5 tsp sea salt
- 1.5 tbs lemon juice
- Zest of 1 lemon
- 1 tbs ginger juice, squeezed from grated ginger
- 3/4 c olive oil
- 1.5 tsp ras el hanout

My process basically followed the recipe, though I roasted and peeled the peppers. My resulting sauce was fairly mild- next time I'll put more effort into finding serranos or just add a third jalapeno. Though honestly the sauce is so wonderfully bright and herbal I don't exactly mind. The heat sneaks up now and then at the end, a nice surprise.

I filled my (roommate's) blender up with cold water and ice while prepping everything- even put the carafe in the fridge to make sure it was cool. Poured that out into a cup when I was ready to make the sauce. So hot out.

Added everything but the greens and olive oil to the blender, then added two ice cubes and a few tablespoons of the oil. 

Blended well. Added the greens in handfuls and eventually figured out how to use the blender to process it down. Low speeds are useful. Drizzled in the rest of the oil to help it along.

Used this with a Moroccan inspired dish, to be posted later today, though I also dipped carrots in it and, um, ate it with a spoon. No judging.

Notes for Improvement:
- More spicy
- Have some bread handy next time

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