Monday, July 1, 2013

Kimchi Trials

From left to right: Attempt 2, Attempt 1, Store Bought

In hindsight it was more than a little ridiculous to make not one but two batches of kimchi having eaten it like once a few years ago. I have never been one for sensical decisions though. See: Taking on an entire CSA share by my lonesome.

But onto taste. 

The best- unsurprisingly- was the store bought. It was the mildest flavor-wise. Definitely the least spicy- which isn't necessarily the best for me. It's the one I could see myself eating the most. 

2nd favorite was Attempt 2. A bit more heat, a decent bit more fishy. I liked the carrots. The Chinese cabbage variety I used gave a bit more bitterness than the store bought's. 

Least favorite: Attempt 1. Way too strong. The red pepper powder was essentially a paste. Very salty and fishy. Hate to say it but couldn't actually swallow it. 

So where did mine go wrong? 
  • The fish sauce was too strong. It's a very distinct flavor, and if you're not used to it, off-putting. 
  • I didn't have a scale. You can wing a recipe you know to a degree, but being this blind is just asking for disaster.
  • The store bought was wetter? I'm not sure if the cabbage variety made that difference, but I could see more moisture being an asset here.
  • Store bought had more sweetness- ingredients like apples and pears
I'm happy I improved between Attempts 1 and 2. Not sure I'll get another head of Chinese Cabbage, and if I did I doubt I'd try this yet again. But I'm happy I tried it once. Well, twice. I may even pick up an apple and tweak Attempt 2 to make it more palatable.

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