Monday, September 2, 2013

122: Cabbage and Sweet Pepper Tart

Yum. I once again turned to the NY Times for a cabbage dish. It's nice when they have roundups, and when they're recipes for health and I can feel ok about all that grated cheese.

I made this in two sections- the first the cabbage and pepper mixture, which I cooked up while the Cabbage Onion Marmalade was doing its thing on the stovetop. This cooked uncovered for about half the time of the marmalade. More browning, a little more texture, but still a nice sweetness to the end result. The peppers (from the past two weeks' shares- sorry, no jam again this week!) were sweet and savory, and the tomato paste, while subtle, helped round out the dish.

The tart was assembled the next day with the veggie mixture, some eggs, and gruyere leftover from a few gratins. The crust was not the one mentioned in the recipe- the last tart I made used that crust and it ended up way too bready, so I just used a pizza crust rolled out thin. It didn't cook enough but is thin enough to not be offensive.

The filling is nice, less runny than that last tart. The flavor and texture are lovely: a good sweet and savory mix.

I'm not sure what I'm doing wrong with these crusts- look how pale that thing is! Maybe it's the pan. Once it gets a little cooler I'll try to devote more time to these kinds of recipes so I can figure out how to fix them.

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