Saturday, September 14, 2013

140: Garlic Ginger Edamame

I'm so used to frozen edamame from, say, Trader Joe's. it's still a little bizarre to see it fresh. It's so...fuzzy!

After looking around for recipes for a bit, decided to boil (maybe boiling would dislodge the fuzz?), then split the batch and make a glaze.

The glaze was a riff on something I've done a few times before (in life, not here): grated garlic, grated ginger, soy sauce, vinegar (apple cider or rice wine), red pepper flake, some honey and toasted sesame oil. Just mix those to your liking, let it sit and taste it periodically, adjusting as your taste dictates.

The edamame took about 5 minutes in the water, then half went in a pan with some neutral oil, the glaze soon after, and just kept stirring as that garlic and ginger like to burn.

It's good, for sure, but a little strong. Part of me wanted to throw the rest of the edamame in to spread that flavor around, but I'm happy to have the plain stuff, too.

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