Thursday, September 12, 2013

Off Share: Peppered Balsamic Fig Jam

It's fig season. I am insanely jealous of everyone who has a fig tree in their backyard, and is complaining about the insane amounts it's producing. Give em here, I'll make jam.

I finally caved and bought some- I'm awkward about asking for freebies, as much as people have said they have more than they could possibly ever use. Ate a few at work and wasn't madly in love- they were mostly over-ripe- but thought they'd be perfect for a jam. Came across this recipe, and yes. This. A lot of it. Despite it being crazy hot hot today. This recipe is totally worth a little sweat. Or a lot of sweat.

Didn't have time to can- this will keep for a bit in the fridge, planning on using it up quickly anyhow- and made the adjustment of just adding fresh ground pepper to the jam itself instead of the sachet (assumed the fig seeds would cover up any grainy texture it might add).

Ended up with two scant half pints, but I'm planning on getting more figs soon so I have some to put up.

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